The Harmony Grid

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The following is an excerpt from the Receiving and Anchoring of the Harmony Grid by Kathryn Lustig Mongillo on March 31st, 2011 from our Planetary Consciousness:

“Now is the time to begin the clean-up process at the physical level so that all may ascend. Those selected to assist are ready and in place and bringing awareness from their chosen fields of reference. Love is in the Earth. Love IS the Earth. I AM Love, Love heals ALL. We can heal through Love by intention, awareness, direction, being open to receive, worthiness of true abundance…these are the integral parts to the transformation. Knowing that Spirit is within you is key to the transformation. Yes, we are all connected, we are ONE already. Now just comes the clearing of the blocks to the awareness of this fact. Open to receive Oneness in your hearts. Open your hearts to Love and being loved and let the infinite abundance of the Universe flow through you and all that is unhindered. Bring Heaven to Earth in this way. All may prosper, live and be free with health and harmony. This is our natural state and we are ONE sustaining each other. Humanity has a role to play for the Earth, and the Earth for Humanity. Co-creative relationships are the key to understanding this role.This is to be the symbol for Harmony. It is to be used by all to harmonize their physical environments and bodies and the Earth.  It represents and brings with it the energies of Harmony, Love and Balance and its harmonizing abilities will help to prepare our physicality for a dramatic rise in frequency in preparation for Unity Consciousness.”     Gaia

The Harmony Grid is a powerful transformational tool for these times of change that was co-created by a multi-dimensional team under the guidance of the Brotherhood of Light. It was created to help us reach our full human potential as well as to restore rhythm, balance and harmony to the Earth and all life. The Harmony Grid is a living geometry. It is fully conscious and can be communicated with. It has a living Lightbody which may be infinitely programmed for specific uses. It is a highly evolved form of Light technology which can be used to develop our creative and healing abilities, for the development of consciousness and to harmonize the energies in our bodies and environments. The Harmony Grid is a Divine tool of Love and can only be used in accordance with natural law and for the highest good of ALL.

Communication excerpts from Metatron on the Harmony Grid as received by Kathryn Lustig Mongillo on September 30th, 2014:

“For explaining how the Grid works, there needs to be an awareness of the fundamental basis of the language of creation itself – of grids, geometries, blueprints patterns – many eloquent paragraphs can be found but this is my favorite:”“Being well into awareness of unity requires understanding that all life exists on a framework of intelligence and all potentials exist as just that – potentials – all life is symmetry, balance, harmony, rhythm – mathematic divine perfection of form. Understanding the unity that underlies creation manifest and unmanifest requires that one understand the language of that creation, which is expressed in a universal language of sacred geometry. All life, all consciousness, all manifest creation exists on the same blueprint…as above so below. By beginning to see and work with the geometries of the Harmony Grid one can begin experiencing that the potential of everything is in everything.”  Metatron

With this Harmony Grid, we as humans can begin to use our co-creator abilities in a safe and balanced way in accordance with natural law.  The potential of all creation already exists and every possible geometry needed for manifestation of that potential exists in synchronicity within the harmony grid. This is merely a representation of the framework all manifestations are created upon in waveform universes.Our intention shifts the focus to specific things which are then called forth.  The grid of the dark age – unenlightened man – did not hold the needed framework for this level of consciousness – unity – while in the physical human body. The harmony grid represents the synchronicity of the geometrical framework that allows us to achieve oneness in physical form. It has been brought forward by the Brotherhoods of Light at this time of transition to Light for Earth and Humanity. This grid is the geometric template for Earth becoming Heaven.

Living Light Templates

Transcend Pendant

Light Activation

The Harmony Grid

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